Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cleaning out my pantry.... *cries*

I am cleaning out my pantry. I have to. Otherwise, some of the things that are my weakness, would make me give in TOO much. Yes its good to have cheat days, not cheat WEEKS! LOL

My husband is going to cry too... because after everything is gone ( either given away or him eating) no more will be bought.

So im looking for alternatives for treats. Ive tried Holey Donuts, and I love them, but they are so expensive!

Anyone have any good recipes for more health friendly sweets for my hubby? I guess I need to start doing some research. Im going to be eating more fruit as my treats ( which I love , so thats not hard) but he likes cake, icing, ice cream etc.

I wonder, If i did some research, I could find a recipe for a baked good, that used only natural ingredients. Im sure they are out there, I guess im off to check the sites I have bookmarked. If anyone has any input, please share!



  1. Oatmeal Raisin cookies from scratch fit that requirement. Stevia is a realy good alternative to sugar. And the taste doesn't change when you use it to cook.

  2. I've found a lot of good healthy recipes on pintrest which helps a lot. I also substitute oil with apple sauce, which is always on sale somewhere.

  3. Have you checked out the recipe forums on MFP?

    There are some really great ideas.

  4. Ive checked out some of the recipe's on MFP, but some of them dont look too appetizing lol, or correct in calories and fat- i noticed that apparently people dont post exactly whats in some things, or rather, they omit calories... im not sure why...

  5. When you make you hubby cakes and such ... use apple sauce instead of oil. Dont frost the cake ... let him frost it as he eats it. that way if your sweet tooth kicks in you can have a piece of unfrosted cake with less fat and calories in it
