Monday, May 7, 2012

Challenge - Week 4

This week's challenge is very simple:

Replace one thing you eat, with a healthier version of it.

For instance, if you love to eat some sort of chips and dips, replace your dip with a fat free or light version, and the chips with a baked chip or a whole grain chip. Just cut out some calories, fat and sodium from something you love.

What are you going to try to switch out?

For me, I am going to be switching out my heavy sugared juices for water with lemon and crystal light.


  1. Once again, I'm going to do the sweet iced teas at McD's and switch them to unsweetened.

  2. im going to switch my soda with diet soda.

  3. this one is actually hard for me as I've already made the switch from white flour products to wheat, regular soda to diet, regular products to light.... 2% milk to skim... going to have to think........

    I guess one area where I can concede, and it will be HARD is to switch out coffee with sugar to a zero calorie sweetener for the week (hard b/c I haven't found one that I think really tastes good in coffee... fine for baking, not for drinking...) but we'll see if it makes a difference at week's end and it may change my mind on it being worth it or not =)

  4. I have switched out so much already. I think my pasta for whole grain pasta and same for the bread! :)Heather

  5. I'm going to resist candy (chocolate in particular) when I'm craving something sweet and eat fruit instead.

  6. This one is hard for me as well because since Ive been taking my new diet capsules I really havent had any cravings and Im normaly all about the sweets. Ive always drank water and I seldomly eat red meat.

    I do eat wheat bread so maybe thats what I can change , Ill will make the change to whole grain bread

  7. I'm gonna try to switch fruit for my chips
