Sunday, May 13, 2012

Frustrated and Thankful

Everyone has their own goals and aspirations, things they want to accomplish in their lifetime, and things they want to accomplish in weeks, months or maybe even a year.

I have them too. My first is to loose weight and keep it off. My second is to have a baby. Both do go hand in hand. I know that my weight figures into me getting pregnant, as my Dr. has already told me. So, back in January, I made a resolution to loose weight and eat better.

To say its been a breeze would be lying to everyone, and most important, to myself. I am an emotional basket case!

I started at 321 lbs. Yes im putting my weight out here on the net. Because you have to be honest with yourself first.

Im at 310 lbs.

11 lbs. lost. In 4 months. REALLY? Sigh.

Ive tried everything. Ive tried
  • Zumba
  • It works ( it does not work sorry to bust your bubble)
  • Body By Vi ( tastes horrible to me not to mention doesn't make me want to not eat because it does NOT fill me up)
  • working out with a trainer ( honestly, unless you are motivated, have thousands to spend, and can commit to 4 days a week, dont bother, you can get the same support from going online and finding a work out buddy)
  • Counting calories
  • Limiting carbs
  • Limiting sugars
  • Eating healthier
  • eating smaller meals, more times a day

Thats just since January.

I'm trying something new along with going back to what I did before that worked. Im only on day 5 and i have already cheated a few times. Its hard! And it makes me hate myself for giving in to temptation when I do it, or when I know I am not sticking to the plan, but I just keep pushing forward.

I just want a change. To see a change.


  1. I hear ya. Im currently doung Weight Watchers points plus program and ive lost 26 lbs in 7 weeks. This is the only thing that has worked for me. I do have my sometimes but.i try.not to beat myself up over it. You will find what works for you just keep trying. I also walk every day for 30-40 minutes, which is helping a lot as well. If you have any questions feel free to ask. :)

  2. Im in the same boat sweetie.... and no It wORKS DOES NOT WORK!!!!!! thats why I dont sell it anymore!!!!... but Ive tried everythibg under the sun as well..... I guess we can look at it this way..... we didnt get to the weight that we are at overnight so even tho I pray every nite to wake up skinny (lol) its gona take a while for us to get our bodies where we would like them to be..... we are fighting the good fight!!!! I slip up sometime but I havent given up .... and Im not going to either... this is for life this time. I know we can all do this !!! We are all women.... theres nothing we cant do !!!!!! (((HUGS)))
